Posts in Tango Secrets
Chicho Frúmboli: Tango Is Love

But, with Chicho, around this time, with only six months of study, he was amazing as a tango dancer. After that, I think he left acting, music, and everything else. He became so obsessed with the tango — I will always remember one day, in my studio, he looked at me very seriously and said, ‘Gustavo, what are we going to do with this!? This is such an amazing way of making art, we must do something really great with this, something HUGE!!!’ And he got very excited, very crazy in telling me this, and, well, in that moment our story really began.

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How To Get Invited To Dance during Milonga - 10 Tips

Brought up in a culture that teaches women to be restrained, to keep a distance from men, to avoid intimacy, to not give men ideas, to let men chase you and not submit yourself too easily, this kind of attitude is understandable. But if you act like a newbie at the milonga, your chances of being invited are slim..

To increase one’s chances of getting an invitation in a milonga, one must be aware of what these unwritten rules are. Followers shall by considering the 10 tips discussed in this article.

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Why Is Gustavo Naveira Considered a Godfather of Argentine Tango?

Argentine tango is a dance deeply intertwined with concepts like those that Naveira mentioned: feelings, passion, and energy. The tango code, the code of walking, and other such ideas did not exist for the old-fashioned milonguero in a way that is outside the realm of intuition. This is what makes tango a unique dance, but also one that seems to be less accessible to others.

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Los Dinzel and the Dinzel System

Of course, many others have contributed greatly to a more profound and technical understanding and appreciation of Argentine tango. Among these are the inimitable Gloria Dinzel and Rodolfo Dinzel, more popularly referred to as Los Dinzel throughout their long and unparalleled career as tango dancers. In fact, Naveira himself credits the Dinzels as his first teachers.

I insisted on creating a method and we did it! I'll tell you how it was: I went to the kitchen and he had a piece of paper and a pen... 'How do I create a method?' And there's people who criticize this, but I don't care... - Gloria Dinzel

With their remarkable Dinzel System, Los Dinzel have gone on to teach innumerable students their concept, enriching the lives of tango dancers all over the world under their tutelage, many of whom, like Naveira, have become maestros of the craft in their own way.

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Pivot - Torsion - Turn - Spin - What's the Difference?

Pivots, turns, spins, and torsion may seem like small, subtle steps, but they are significant in creating a beautiful effect while dancing.

The musicality of tango will often dictate when these steps are best performed, but knowing how to do them can separate the novice dancer from a master of the dance floor.

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Best Argentine Tango Schools Around Boston MA

Now that COVID is almost gone and life is slowly shifting into a state of normality for most, those passionate about tango can now take up their dancing shoes again to learn more or simply enjoy a milonga.

While there are still some limitations, such as the number of people allowed in a gathering, the tango schools re-opening and remaining open are a sign of hope that things will, eventually, go back to once they were.

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Where Is Mauricio Castro and What Happened to His Unique Tango Discovery Method?

Various other tango personalities emerged over the years, Among these tango dancers and teachers was Mauricio Castro, who is most notable as the founder of Tango Discovery — a unique method of dancing and teaching tango. However, a cursory internet search of his name strongly suggests that Mauricio Castro and his work might have suddenly disappeared.

This then begs the question: where is Mauricio Castro, and what happened to his unique Tango Discovery method?

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