What Your Child Can Learn From The Argentine Tango

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Tango, originating from Argentina, is considered one of the most intricate forms of dance. The assortment of moves makes it a visually appealing art form. This doesn’t mean, however, that it’s something only adults can do. Despite the fancy footwork, parents who are looking to keep their kids busy this summer will find that kids Tango classes are ideal. Some of the things that Tango can do for a child include:

  • - Expanding creativity

  • - Learning better posture 

  • - Increasing awareness of their bodies 

  • - Learning to be more active

  • - Feeling better about themselves

Creativity And Spontaneity

Argentine Tango is centered on improvisation. Classes might teach your kids the basics of the genre, but the better they get, the less fixed sequences they will learn. They will be expected to let their creative juices flow as they build upon the basic steps and branch out into something new. This is perfect for young children as it stimulates their perception and encourages spontaneity.

Posture And Flexibility

Many parents don’t realize that Tango can significantly help improve the posture of children from a young age. With so many kids hunched over a smartphone or tablet, this can be especially important. Tango can also provide your child with enhanced flexibility. Learning how to hold the body properly from a young age will carry into adulthood and considerably minimize the risk of back problems and compromised gait as they grow.

Body Awareness

If there’s anything that troubles tweens and teens, it’s body image and awareness. When your child tries Tango for the first time, they may feel awkward. As they practice and learn more about it, however, they’ll become more aware of their body and how to move it. They’ll learn how to use muscles they never even knew they had, while learning how to differentiate between the lower body and torso.

A More Active Lifestyle

With the many advancements in technology, children just don’t get outside to play the way they used to. It’s becoming increasingly difficult for them to lead a physically active lifestyle. Dancing is the perfect way to engage them in something fun while getting the exercise their bodies need. Even if your child is already involved in sports, Tango can help increase their skills. Many professional athletes in competitive sports use dance to help them train.

Improve Behavioral Issues

Tango requires focus, discipline, and coordination. Many parents find that lessons can help improve behavioral issues, like hyperactivity. As it helps release pent up energy, it has a calming effect on the mind. Classes for young kids start out less demanding, and grow in expectations as a child progresses.

Tango Dancing Can Provide Social Satisfaction

Tango lessons can not only expand your child’s social circle, it can expand yours, too. They’ll meet peers who share their classes, and you’ll meet other parents who are there to observe. Both can lead to lifelong friendships that came from taking a simple class. Want more information about getting Tango lessons for your child? Contact us today.

Anita Flejterkids tango